Heaven Inspires - A 13-Year-Old's Softball Dream


Heaven Harris was just a happy 13-year-old girl going about her life when she was involved in a serious ATV accident at the end of 2015.  Doctors determined what no mother or father would ever want to hear about her child, she had to have her arm amputated.  


Heaven Harris Ready to Play again


We asked heaven’s mother, Brittney Harris, what she felt when these news were dropped on her.  “I was truly at a loss of words.  It was just the worst thing.  I was devastated.  I was not thinking of her playing softball. The whole situation was truly devastating.  Her first words were ‘Will I still be able to play ball?’  All we could do was continue to encourage her that she would be able to do everything just fine”


For Heaven, the first thing she thought of was Softball.  How could she go on enjoying her life without doing what she loved most.  Heaven was always known in her community for being a hard hitter and a pitcher with some serious fast balls.  Her right arm, the one she lost, was her pitching arm.  Heaven spent 12 long days in the hospital right after the accident and ended up having a total of 3 surgeries.  Heaven’s life turned around quickly after meeting a new friend by the name of LeAnn Shelton.  LeAnn, who also lost her arm 30 years ago, became a mentor to Heaven and encouraged her to play the game again.


Heaven Harris Heaven Harris Learns to hit with 1 arm



“I’ve gone 30 years without a left arm and it took me 30 years to find out my reason, and my reason is Heaven,” Shelton told The Daily Home.  Shelton spent countless of hours with heaven teaching her to to catch, throw and hit in new ways.


“It almost felt like LeaAnn was here on earth to help her. One strange thing was that LeAnn had been #8 when playing softball with one arm and our Heaven has been #8 her whole life, it was meant to be.  When we first met her she stayed with us all day.  She taught her how to hit the ball through with just her left arm." Brittney tells us.  "Seeing another person with the same situation, gave Heaven the strength.  Heaven would say, ‘If she can do that, I can do that.’  LeAnn also went on to teach her little tricks for basic daily things like showering and getting around the house.”


Heaven Harris hitting into Bownet Big Mouth


Heaven has been receiving support from all over the country and dreams of playing college ball.  We learned about Heaven when we saw photos all over Facebook of Heaven practicing into a Big Mouth Bownet.  We learned about her story and we wanted to be a part of helping her reach her Softball goals.  We set Heaven up with a Utilitee to make it easier to practice hitting, A Bownet Field Bag for her gear, and our CEO, Jack Lucas, has invited Heaven to join him at the National Pro Fastpitch championship week in August in her home state of Alabama.


“It has been an incredible experience getting all of this support.  We were amazed that it wasn’t just family, or even our softball family,” Heaven’s mom tells us when we asked about the support they have received so far.  “We would come home and she would have cards from every state.  Kids from hospitals and school everywhere. Encouragement came from every corner that you could not imagine.  Every letter and call has truly made an impact on where Heaven is right now.  Even Jackie Traina called her and they’ve been texting ever since.”


Heaven Harris happy to be playing softball again


Brittney tell us, "Heaven says thanks, Bownet!"  We say "No, thank YOU, Heaven. Thank you for inspiring us to be better in every way possible and never give up."


Please share this story with your friends and family to help inspire others the way that heaven has inspired us! You can donate to Heaven’s Go Fund me here to help with her medical bills and her softball dreams.