The Bownet® Cadet Bag is for players who are serious about reaching the next level and have the equipment to prove it. Our team revolutionized the way athletes train with our portable nets and goals, and now, we're changing the way they carry their gear. This travel bag can be used as a Bownet catcher's bag for U12 players, a Bownet baseball bag for travel teams, or as an all-around sports bag for high school, college, and semi-pro athletes. Whatever sport you play, you need a good player's bag to stay organized. We help you spend less time carrying and searching for gear so you can more time perfecting the skills you need for success.
You'll be prepared for any practice or game when you can keep everything you need in one place. The main compartment alone is large enough to hold plenty of balls, gloves, jerseys, and pads. But there's also a molded semi-hard shell case to protect sneakers, cleats or spikes plus a separate helmet compartment. Hold up to six bats in the two side bat panels that also have hooks for hanging gloves and hats. All told, there are 14 total storage areas and accessory pockets for everything from athletic tape to water bottles. We've even included removable shelving to further divide up compartments.
Bring your equipment to the local park, the gym, or on a team bus in this durable Bownet Cadet bag that is made of weather-resistant fabrics. Fence hooks allow you to hang the bag up like the mobile player's locker it is for even easier equipment access. You don't need two other players to help carry your Cadet, either. Use the Big Trax™ wheels and pull handle to haul it over any surface without breaking a sweat. Add your name and number to the removable personalization panel so others can identify who has the best player's travel bag. Train like a pro by using professional-quality athletic luggage from Bownet Sports® in seven different colors.
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★★★★★Bownet remains the gold-standard of equipment for athletes of any age, whether little league or professional sports teams and organizations.
★★★★★With Bownet any athlete can train like a pro.
★★★★★After nearly 14 years of conceptualizing new and innovative sports equipment, Bownet continues to set the standard for portable, durable gear on the go.